It all started in 1st Grade. My teachers name was Mrs. Porto. I usually emphasized that her name was Mrs."Poor-toe". I imagined in my 6 year old mind that she must have awfully deformed digits & surely she would never wear open toed shoes. Somewhere out there, Mrs. Porto should be laughing at me.
I don't wear open toed shoes, but sometimes I go bare foot in my own home & sometimes I have a pair of jeans on the floor near a laundry basket
(see offending jeans...)

and a chair (see offending chair...)

& sometimes I decide to flick the jeans into the basket with, of course, my foot. ...just sometimes. Well the foot hooked the jeans & intercepted the leg of the chair on the way. I am sure my toe is now broken.
(see offending toe... next to the little toe)

I've never broken a bone before, but here's what I do know about it... My daughter broke her toe last year. After paying the co-pay & the x-ray, we walked away with a recommendation to be careful with that toe until it heals. She thought it was cool to wear the protective boot & crutches. 6 weeks later another visit accompanied by co-pay & x-ray to confirm it was healing and another recommendation to keep being careful, she was on her way.
(see her broken toe)

I can walk without a boot & without crutches although I'd rather not walk at all. I also will save myself 2 trips to the Dr. & maybe buy a new pair of shoes with the $40.00 I'll save.
What have I learned from this?
1. Ew - my toes are ugly. It's sad when I think the close up of the carpet in the background looks better than my toes.
2. Ow - broken toes really hurt.
3. OK, OK Don't kick my jeans into the laundry. :(
4. I hope I don't learn 'you should have gone to the Dr.'
5. Don't make fun of your teachers last name. You'll be sorry someday.
Perhaps you'd like some soothing music to listen to while your toe heals. Check it out!
The doctors really don't do anything for broken toes. You are right and saw that with your daughter.
Just be careful! It does hurt.
Alida (Long Island Woman) careful with that toe:) You guys sure have bad foot luck around there. Your toes are cute and your posts crack us up:) We hope you get well soon:)
I was just searching for a picture of an x-ray of a broken toe since I didn't get a picture of my own, when I came across your blog. I broke my toe 2 months ago and thought it had healed up fine with me just "buddy taping" it. But a hike 2 weeks ago aggravated it and after 2 weeks of walking in pain I gave in and went to the doctor. They gave me one of those ugly boots and told me to keep it elevated and try to swim as my working out for now instead of aerobics. Anyways... it was my first broken bone too.
Your piture caught my eye.
Yep your toe looks exactly like mine only on right foot. The driving foot. I'm not going to doctor either cause already know what you already said. I was just browsing to see how long it takes to heal. Now the 6 weeks is bumming me out. I am thankful it is spring time for sandals but got to mow the lawn too. Well at least you know how you did yours. All I remember is the Margaritas.
Your picture caught my eye.
Yep your toe looks exactly like mine only on right foot. The driving foot. I'm not going to doctor either cause already know what you already said. I was just browsing to see how long it takes to heal. Now the 6 weeks is bumming me out. I am thankful it is spring time for sandals but got to mow the lawn too. Well at least you know how you did yours. All I remember is the Margaritas.
Well, I didn't have a teacher named
What I did was leap to save the baby from 'falling' off the bed...which he wasn't actually doing because I thought my husband wasn't doing an adequate job of watching him....So I collided with my husband, mostly my toes collided with his foot...and now my toe looks like yours. Hopefully I learn my lesson to trust my husband!
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